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Himalayan and Central Asian Studies

Himalayan Tribes Special
Editor : Prof. K. Warikoo

Vol. 29, Nos. 1-2, January-June 2025
1. The Balti Scheduled Tribe in Ladakh: A Look Back After Partition Mohd Sharif and Rajeev Kumar Singh 1-20

2. Tribal Gaddis of Himachal Pradesh Kanika Sharan 21-37
3. Gaddis and Bharmour: An Inseparable Landscape Priyanka Ohri 38-55
4. Gujjar-Bakarwal Tribe resource management with reference
     to their local practices an traditional institutions
Arshad Ahmed, Kheraj,Amjed
Ali, Kiran Rani, Meenaxy
5. Ladakhi And Balti Tribes’ Attitudes Toward Child And
    Maternal Health And Educational Services in Ladakh
Jaya Bharti, Hitaishi Singh,
Anmol Shekhar Srivastava
6. Livelihood Transformations among the Semi-Nomadic Tribes
    of Ladakh: A case study of Zanskar
Jigmat Dachen, StanzinNouskit,
Rajkumar Gaddi and Sonam
7. Da-rtse: A Traditional Archery Festival in Ladakh Sonam Joldan 109-121
8. TRADITION & TRANSITION: Culinary practices and food-preservation
    techniques of the Mising community
Rajib Pegu ,Sanjay Deuri , Kaushik
Kumar Deka, Ratnajit Gogoi and
Susitra Shyam
9. Rakhaang:A Traditional Youth Dormitory of the Maring Tribe of North-East India Charanga Modarpha 140-153
10. Exploring the Link between Suicide and Marital Status among the Idu
      Mishmis of Arunachal Pradesh
Tarun Mene 154-171
11. Realising Right to Education (RTE) by Tea Tribes: Field Study from
     Dibrugarh District of Assam
Lenin Gogoi 172-195
12. Sustainable Development vis-à-vis Tribal’s Right to Environment in Northeast
     India: Case of Zeme Nagas, Senapati District, Manipur
Samiksha Godara and
Kiloigombe Joseph
13. GENDER AND PERFORMANCE: The Buchen of Pin Valley, Spiti Nilza Angmo 212-222
14. NEW FOOTPRINT IN VIRGIN VALLEY: Tracing The Path of The Bodos Odyssey From
     Ancestral Home to Brahmaputra Valley
Nushar Bargayary 223-235
15. Evolving Religious Identity of Zeliangrong Nagas: A Study of Tingkao Ragwang
     Chapriak in Manipur
Kamei Beeju 236-252
16. Traditional Governance and Customary Laws in Angami Nagas Neisakhono Yano and Yamsani
17. Galos of Aalo: A Profile Alok Kumar 270-277
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